The University of Cyprus was established in 1989, and received the first undergraduate students in 1992 and awarded the first degrees in 1996. Today, with 7,000 students, 113 workshops and 830 faculty members and staff, the University of Cyprus is the top university and the most active research institute in Cyprus. It consists of 7 schools, 22 sections and 16 research units / centers covering the entire scope of cognitive objects. Since its inception, the University of Cyprus is a continuous successful upward trend with recent international rankings to join the 440th place internationally (QS World University Rankings 2022). The University of Cyprus has participated and implemented a large number of research projects funded by the European Commission, the National Research and Innovation Foundation and several public and private research organizations. In 2020, research funding from external sources reached € 26 million.

Energy and Environmental Design of Buildings Research Lab

The Energy & Environmental Design of Buildings Research Laboratory (E&EDB Lab.), was founded in 2014. Today more than 15 researchers are employed in full and part-time basis. During last years, the E&EDB Lab. implement 12 research projects funded by European Union, National Funds and Organizations and Commercial and Industrial Partners. In addition, the E&EDB Lab. offer consultant and partnership services to 6 more research projects. Today, 7 research projects are implemented in the laboratory. Overall by the end of 2021 the external funding of the laboratory's research projects amounted to 1.7 million euros.

Contact Details

Address: 1, Panepisimiou Avenue, 2109 Aglantzia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 89 4000
email: [email protected]

Contact persons:
Assist. Professor Aimilios Michael, [email protected]
Dr. Apostolos Michopoulos, [email protected]

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